

My publications along with some additional information, sorted anti‑chronologically. While I usually go by Nik (or Niklas), my full name reads Jan Niklas Böhm. I’ve opted to use my full name as written in the author list of the publication, for consistency’s sake.


Jan Niklas Böhm, Philipp Berens, and Dmitry Kobak. Unsupervised visualization of image datasets using contrastive learning. ICLR 2023. arXiv, Highlights, Blog post.

t-SimCNE Visualization of the CIFAR-10 dataset.
Unsupervised visualization of image datasets using contrastive learning.

Sebastian Damrich, Jan Niklas Böhm, Fred Hamprecht, and Dmitry Kobak. Contrastive learning unifies t-SNE and UMAP. ICLR 2023. arXiv, Highlights.


Jan Niklas Böhm, Philipp Berens, and Dmitry Kobak. Attraction-Repulsion Spectrum in Neighbor Embeddings. Published in JMLR. Poster presentation at NeurIPS 2022 as part of the journal-to-conference track. arXiv, Highlights.

Attraction-Repulsion Spectrum in Neighbor Embeddings.
Attraction-Repulsion Spectrum in Neighbor Embeddings.

Older work

My Master’s thesis resulted in the JMLR submission Attraction-Repulsion Spectrum in Neighbor Embeddings, but the entire thesis with some more detail is also available online.